Swift Verruca Treatment


Verruca Treatments

Verrucae (Verruca Vulgaris) are small, wart-like growths that can appear on the bottoms of the feet or toes. Verrucae are caused by a viral strain of the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and do not occur as a result of poor hygiene or foot care. Verrucae can present differently and often appear cauliflower-like with or without black dots in the centre. While many verrucae can appear on their own, they often appear in clusters or mosaics. Highly contagious and common during childhood, Verrucae are usually picked up in communal areas such as showers or swimming pools and can spread between siblings. Generally, Verrucae are painless, however, they can become uncomfortable if they are very large or appear on a weightbearing surface. Along with clinical examination, pain on lateral squeeze can confirm that the lesion is indeed a Verruca. Unfortunately, due to the viral nature of Verrucae, there is no 100% guarantee that the lesion will fully disappear or how many treatments will be required.


The treatment options offered at
Coisceim are as follows

Salicylic Acid: This treatment involves pain-free debridement of the Verruca and the application of 60% salicylic acid to the affected area. This is a much stronger and more effective solution than the over-the-counter treatments available at Pharmacies. Aftercare entails treatment at home with 95% Silver Nitrate between appointments. This treatment is suitable for children 2 years and older.

Verrutop: A topical, protein binding treatment that causes a chemical reaction and dehydrates Verruca tissue. The treatment is every 2 weeks, with a maximum of 8 treatments. This is a pain-free, dressing-free option that is suitable for children aged 6 and over. Aftercare includes application of Surgical Spirits twice daily at home in between appointments.

Swift Microwave Treatment: Swift uses advanced microwave technology to specifically target Verruca infected tissue, triggering the body’s own immune response. Swift has an efficacy rate of over 86% on completion, making it one of the most effective treatments available. This option is dressing-free and does not require any home treatment in between appointments. See www.treatwithswift.com for more information.


Treat With Swift