Swift verruca treatment

Swift Microwave Treatment: Swift uses advanced laser technology to specifically target Verruca infected tissue, triggering the body’s own immune response. Swift has an efficacy rate of over 86% on completion, making it one of the most effective treatments available. This option is dressing-free, and does not require any home treatment in between appointments. Suitable for children over the age of 8. See www.treatwithswift.com for more information.



Verrucae (Verruca Vulgaris) are small, wart-like growths that can appear on the bottoms of the feet or toes. Verrucae are caused by a viral strain of the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and do not occur as a result of poor hygiene or foot care. Verrucae can present differently and often appear cauliflower-like with or without black dots in the centre. While many verrucae can appear on their own, they often appear in clusters or mosaics. Highly contagious and common during childhood, Verrucae are usually picked up in communal areas such as showers or swimming pools and can spread between siblings. Generally, Verrucae are painless, however, they can become uncomfortable if they are very large or appear on a weightbearing surface. Along with clinical examination, pain on lateral squeeze can confirm that the lesion is indeed a Verruca. Unfortunately, due to the viral nature of Verrucae, there is no 100% guarantee that the lesion will fully disappear or how many treatments will be required.

In general our treatment consists of :

  • Salicylic Acid & Silver Nitrate

  • Verrutop

  • Swift Microwave Treatment

Routine Treatment

We carry out routine foot and nail care. A routine appointment can include nailcare, removal of corns and callus, skincare and footwear advice. Routine care is usually carried out in the clinic, we also offer home visits for patients who find it difficult to attend in person. For enquiries about home visits please contact the clinic as these appointments need to be made in advance.  



We carry out routine foot and nail care. A routine appointment can include nailcare, removal of corns and callus, skincare and footwear advice. Routine care is usually carried out in the clinic, we also offer home visits for patients who find it difficult to attend in person. For enquiries about home visits please contact the clinic as these appointments need to be made in advance.  


Diabetic Care

The diabetic population are at a higher risk of lower limb related complications and should have a foot examination at least once a year to detect any problems at an early stage. At Coiscéim we carry out full diabetic screening in line with the Model of Care for the Diabetic Foot (2021). 

 What to expect at a foot screen:

  • A vascular assessment and doppler examination of pulses  

  • Assessment of the peripheral nerves to check for sensation reduction 

  • An assessment of footwear and foot shape along with footwear advice  

  • Advice on how to care for your feet as a patient with Diabetes. 

  • A full written report of the foot screen will be sent to your GP. 


Heel pain/foot pain

Heel pain is the most common foot pain we see in our clinic.  Common causes of heel pain include, Plantar Fasciitis, Posterior Tibial Dysfunction or various types of Tendonitis.  Our job as podiatrists is to diagnose what is the cause of the heel pain and in conjunction with the patients' discuss and put into place a plan of management to address the problem.

Typical treatment plan for Plantar fasciitis can include

  • Dry Needling/Acupuncture

  • Kinesiology taping and padding

  • Insoles/orthotics



Biomechanics is the science of assessing someone’s Gait (Gait Assessment), which is how they walk.  This along with patient history and full assessment of the foot and leg allows the podiatrist to establish whether there are any structural or biomechanical issues with the foot/lower limb that would necessitate intervention. Intervention can include; acupuncture, taping, insoles/orthotics or particular footwear.


Ingrown Toe Nails

Ingrown toe nails occur when the nail penetrates the skin at the side of the nail. If left untreated it can become very painful and infected, extra tissue can form (hypergranulation) which can bleed easily.

Ingrown toe nails can occur due to trauma, poor nail cutting or hereditary factors.

Treatment generally includes:

  • Cutting back the nail using a nippers or blade

  • A nail brace, this gently pulls the nail away from the nail sulcus (suitable for children or the high risk patient)   

  • If conservative treatment fails nail surgery can be carried out under local anaesthetic and the nail bed phenolised  to prevent nail regrowth.


Diabetic Screening

Diabetic screening should be carried out approximately every six months. It is important to detect foot problems early to prevent further deterioration in the condition.

Diabetes can affect the feet by causing loss of sensation (diabetic neuropathy).

Poor blood flow (peripheral neuropathy)

Diabetic ulcers.

During the consultation written and oral advice is given to the patient on how best to take care of their feet.


Corns and Callus

Corns and callus are thickened hard layers of skin that develop when the skin tries to protect its self against friction and pressure. During routine treatments corns and callus are treated but these will grow back again unless the underlying problem is addressed, often changing to correct fitting footwear will make all the difference. If not the patient may require a biomechanical assessment to establish if there is a mechanical reason for the corn and callus formation